Friday, November 30, 2012

Blog Rubrics

English 175: Introduction to Literary Genres Literature Blog Rubric

Literature Blog Rubric

Weekly total: ______/7 pts | Original Blog entry: ______/5 pts | Blog responses: ______/2 pts

Word Count
Content demonstrates a very clear and solid understanding of the text and the question/prompt.
Entry is logical and organized. Contains a strong thesis or topic sentence. Supporting points are presented in a logical progression.
Develops each point with specific details and credible supporting evidence. Answers the question/prompt completely.
No major grammatical or spelling errors. No more than two minor errors.
Entry meets or exceeds the 300 minimum word count.
Content demonstrates a full understanding of the text and the question/prompt.
Clear sense of order. Contains a good thesis or topic sentence. Supporting points are presented in a logical progression.
Each point supported with details and evidence. Answers the question/prompt completely.
No major grammatical or spelling errors. No more than five minor errors.
Entry is between 250 and 299 words.
Content suggests a lack of full understanding of the text and/or the question/prompt.
May lack a thesis sentence, but points are presented logically.
Each point supported with some details and evidence. All important points included.
Some major and minor errors that don’t necessarily impair communication.
Entry is between 200 and 249 words.
Content suggests lack of preparation or comprehension.
Logic of argument is hard to follow. Points seem random and unfocused.
Sparse details or evidence. Question/prompt only partially answered.
Major and minor errors significantly weaken quality of communication, although still comprehensible.
Entry is between 150 and 199 words.
Content only marginally related to the question/prompt.
Lacks clear organization. The reader is confused.
Statements are unsupported by details, evidence, or explanation. Question/prompt only partially answered.
Communication seriously impaired by multitude of spelling/grammatical errors.
Entry is between 100 and 149 words.
Content fails to meet the basic requirements of the task.
Entry is not organized in a coherent way.
No details or supporting evidence. Question/prompt is not answered or acknowledged.
Multitude of major and minor errors make entry incomprehensible.
Entry is under 99 words.

For blog responses (which are one point each), the following rubric is used:
Word Count
Response demonstrates appropriate, constructive engagement with the original blog post.
Response is 100 words or more.
Content is unconstructive, inappropriate, or fails to meet the basic requirements of the task.
Response is under 100 words.

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