Monday, December 10, 2012

[I stepped from Plank to Plank]- Emily Dickinson

Can I just say I love Emily Dickinson? She has to be one of my favorite poets! Out of all the ones in this book, I honestly think this one was my by far favorite. The way she writes is always just so beautiful, but the morals are usually so dark and dreadful. I have always loved her style of writing.

The message I got from this poem was we never know when our "final inch" on the plank will be. So we need to make everyday worth living for. Life is too short to stop and worry about the small things, I know I say this a lot, but I can't emphasize how true it is. I have had a hard life, and I might wish sometimes that the things that have happened to me could not have. But it has given me the experience and made me into the person I am today. I someday want to be able to look back on my life and say that I have accomplished something. That I changed someone's life for the good. So I make it my goal everyday to try and smile at someone and make someone that's having a bad day a little happier. I think everyone should walk the "plank" per se and make everyday worth living for.

I am always drawn to the poems that are dark, but I always try and find something happy in them. I absolutely loved the last stanza: "I knew not but the next

                          would be my final inch-

                         This gave me that precarious Gait

                         Some call Experience"

I especially like the way she capitalizes some words, and some she doesn't. It just makes the words stick out more. I also really liked how the way you read it was in a sort of cautious slow way.

1 comment:

  1. When I read this poem it reminded me of "Peter Pan." After reading your response it really made sense that the "plank" was life. I felt like the Ocean would be like starting life or trying something new, and you have to jump in. Each jump takes you to a new experience, and each jump is an experience. To make things happen you have to dive right in and hope for the best and that's what I got from this poem. It seems short but there is so much more to it after you read it, and I like that. I really enjoyed reading this poem.
