Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Pyg: Act 2

Annoying, inarticulate, mostly stupid Eliza shows up at Higgins' place, hoping to buy lessons on how to speak properly. It is her dream to work in a flower shop, and she needs a clear accent in order to do so. Higgins, intrigued, makes a bet with fellow dialectologist Colonel  Pickering that he can have Eliza speaking like a lady within six months. After much confused altercation between Higgins, Pickering, Eliza, and Mrs. Pearce (Higgins' housekeeper), it is decided that Eliza will take lessons from Higgins and live in his household for the six months, learning to be a lady. Pickering will fund the experiment and also reside with Higgins during that time. As Eliza is being cleaned by Mrs. Pearce, Eliza's father shows up on the pretext of defending his daughter's honor. However, all he really wants is a little spending money to go get drunk on, and bargains his daughter away for the sum of five pounds. 

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